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In canoe slalom, improving technique involves various approaches and aspects. However, it's vital to recognize that refining a technical aspect can't just be practiced and automated in whitewater environments. It necessitates groundwork on flat water before transitioning to challenging whitewater settings.

Building upon a solid base, we gradually introduce more complex elements, culminating in the technical automation required for navigating whitewater circuits.

This progression resembles a game with levels, where mastering each level enhances our navigation skills. 


Here are specific tips and exercises focused on enhancing K1 technique:


Paddle Technique: 

K1 offers the advantage of using two blades, offering a more “comfortable” experience in whitewater compared to C1 concerning balance for beginners. However, this advantage can lead to excessive paddling, disrupting the flow if we don’t teach the paddler the proper technique during the learning process. 

Focusing on one side to reduce strokes and synchronize with the water's rhythm is crucial. 

Moreover, positioning the paddle as vertically as possible maximizes water intake, enhancing stroke efficiency as if the blade were horizontal.

Three exercises to improve stroke technique in K1:

Maximize Stroke Distance: Increase awareness of body posture and feel the water's movement. Test and track the number of strokes required to reach a specific point, aiming to reduce strokes over time.

Single Side Paddling: Practice paddling just on one side to minimize discrepancies between sides, improving overall paddling technique.

Strokes Reduction Challenge: Count strokes during loops and aim to decrease them in successive attempts.


Transmission Technique:

Developing efficient transmission technique with the boat and paddle is essential in canoe slalom. Several exercises focus on leveraging technique for optimal performance:

Minimal Strokes on Flatwater: Emulate Exercise 1 from the paddle technique section.

Hand-Paddling in Flatwater: Engage stabilizer muscles by "paddling" without a paddle.

Whitewater Hand-Paddling: Repeat hand-paddling exercises in challenging whitewater conditions.

C1 Paddle Use: Experiment with paddling using a C1 paddle in whitewater.

Holed Blade K1 Paddle: Challenge yourself with a K1 paddle featuring holes in the blade to activate stabilizer muscles and improve transmission efficiency.


Skills Technique:

Quick decision-making and adaptability are vital in canoe slalom. Practice skills through exercises:

In flat water:

1Gate 2 spins: Spin the external pole of a gate.

'8' in Two Gates: Perform a figure-eight motion across two gates in close proximity.

'S' in a Gate: Maneuver through a gate in an 'S' repeating the movement

In whitewater:

There are various move combinations, such as navigating holes, jumps, waves, and curls. Enhance skill development depends on course complexities.


Flat Boat Technique:

Maintaining a flat boat is crucial for speed in certain situations. Practice using a water-filled bottle in front of the boat's nose while paddling without dropping the bottle. 

Increasing difficulty by placing the bottle further away through the nose, will challenge your ability to keep the boat flat. 


Here are a few examples but they are not the only ones. This will depend of the age of the paddler, ability and the coach itself.


Written by Carmen Costa

Contact Details


Tel.: +420 774 241 412

E-mail: busta@ftvs.cuni.cz 

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