Trenérská konference Mosty zaměřená na ženský sport
3. října se v Praze koná první trenérská konference Mosty zaměřená na ženy ve sportu a ženský sport. Konference proběhne od 9:30 do 17:00 v Kongresovém centru Columna v Praze.
Read more: Trenérská konference Mosty zaměřená na ženský sport
Training Camp in Roudnice nad Labem
Training camps inspired by the Women in Canoe Sport project continue after the end of Erasmus+ Sport funding. A junior team from Slovakia attended a week-long training camp in Roudnice nad Labem (July, 2024). The main organizer was Renata Daníková, the main coach was the former excellent kayaker Jana Dukátová.
The Limiting Factor: Side effects of quanatative analysis in National Canoe sport programs
Quanatative anaylys is often used to predict long term outcomes associated with sport performance. When preforming Quanatative analysis it is important to understand what the limitations are of doing remote assments of what an individual’s competitive potential might be solely based on insufficient data. When insufficient information exists then it limits the effectiveness of using this mode of projection. The sole reliance on short term results-based data of one person often gets used to establish funding models. Will the sport organization make the expenditure to develop the athlete based on results seen at a team selection event?
Tracy Hines: My perspective
The objective of this article is to help to create understanding regarding the importance of women’s canoe sport programs. The fact is that society needs strong women. Women need to have not just the physical strength to manage whatever comes their way in life. They also need to have the emotional fortitude, mental toughness, and most of all the ability to think for themselves.
Scientific article: Body morphology and handgrip strength parameters of the female canoe slalom paddlers published
We are pleased to announce that thanks to support from the Women in Canoe Sport project, we have been able to publish another scientific paper focusing only on female competitors.
The article is published in a special issue dedicated to canoeing in the prestigious journal Frontiers in Physiology.
Barča Valiková a Kája Galušková rozjely skvělé kurzy mentální přípravy!
Barča Valíková a Karolína Galušková rozjely nový projekt, jímž jsou kurzy mentální přípravy pro mladé sportovkyně a sportovce ve vodním slalomu. Jejich první kurz slavil velký úspěch.
Read more: Barča Valiková a Kája Galušková rozjely skvělé kurzy mentální přípravy!
New research comes out
A special issue of the scientific journal Frontiers of Physiology will soon feature an article that was produced by the Women in Canoe Sport project. We have been working for a long time to fill a gap in the scientific understanding of women's canoeing. Link from:
Do you have ideas or suggestions for interesting research in the field of women's canoeing? Are you preparing your final thesis at university and need help? Get in touch!
Carmen´s project: (E)quality Slalom Training
Carmen Costa is advancing professionally with her personal project, (E)quality Slalom Training. She offers an international slalom training group with strong values and a commitment to hard work and improvement. The core of (E)quality Slalom Training aims for excellence in the training process while striving to achieve goals and objectives. The emphasis on gender equality is crucial. Although some progress has been made in our community, there is still much work to be done, and Carmen wants to contribute her part.
Renata Daníková is a new member of the project consortium
We are very pleased that Renata Daníková has become a member of the project consortium. Renata has been an active member of the Slovak Canoeing since 2013, within the paddling community in the Žilina Paddlers Club in Žilina, Slovak Republic. First as a referee and later as a vice-president of the Žilina Paddlers Club, member of the Executive Committee and head of the economic section. In 2021 she was elected to the Executive Committee of the Slovak Canoeing and became the Chairperson of the Commission for Clubs, Youth and Education. In addition, she continues to work actively as a referee with a 3rd class degree. In 2023 she was selected and participated in an international project "New Miracle - women leadership in sports", funded by EU Erasmus+, co-organized by the Slovak Olympic Committee.
Read more: Renata Daníková is a new member of the project consortium
Happy New Year!
On behalf of the Women in Canoe Sport project we wish you a successful and happy new year 2024.
We will be glad if you decide to join our initiative supporting women in canoe sports in the coming year.
Also this year we will prepare a series of methodological articles, inspirational talks and practical training camps open to girls and coaches from all over Europe.
Thank you for your support in 2023. You can read about how the project went in the evaluation report.
Přání k Novému roku
Za projekt Women in Canoe Sport Vám přejeme úspěšný a šťastný nový rok 2024.
Budeme rádi, když se v nadcházejícím roce rozhodnete připojit k naší iniciativě podporující ženy v kanoistických sportech.
I v tomto roce pro Vás připravíme řadu metodických článků, inspirativních rozhovorů i praktické tréninkové kempy otevřené pro dívky a trenérky z celé Evropy.
Děkujeme tímto za Vaší přízeň v roce 2023. O tom, jak projekt probíhal se můžete dočíst v evaluační zprávě.
My experience in Prague
I'm incredibly grateful for my month long stay in Prague, being part of the Women in Canoe Sport project. It's been an amazing chance to contribute to an article and start another, do some work for the project all while progressing in my professional journey. The research team of the project is really inspiring and professional. Hopefully we can progress further with valuable insights into female canoe sports of the future.
For me this project has meant a lot (Anna Barroso)
Hello everyone! My name is Anna Barroso and I am a kayak slalom athlete from Spain.
First of all, I want to say a huge thank you to Jan and Matej, and anyone involved in this project to provide me with this wholesome opportunity.
Read more: For me this project has meant a lot (Anna Barroso)
Conference on 4 November in Prague
On Saturday, November 4, 2023, from 13:00 to 21:00, the Women in Canoe Sport conference took place, the aim of which was to introduce the Women in Canoe Sport project, its activities and plans for the future. At the same time there were presentations by young academics working for the project.
Konference 4.11. v Praze
V sobotu 4. 11. 2023 se od 13:00 do 21:00 uskutečnila konference Women in Canoe Sport, jejímž cílem bylo seznámit všechny posluchače s projektem Women in Canoe Sport, jeho aktivitami a plány do budoucna. Současně byly na programu prezentace mladých akademiků pracujících pro projekt.
New article about "Invisible training"
On we is new article about Invisible training! For more info click on this link:
Carmen's story
My name is Carmen Costa, I am 27 years old. I love outdoor sports, especially canoe slalom.I have studied for a Sports Science degree from the University of Lleida in Spain and an online master’s degree in education. I am currently studying to become a national slalom coach.
Malá rozsahem, hluboká obsahem – taková byla sportovní konference Pikoverse
Pikoverse je nezisková organizace, která se zaměřuje na podporu talentovaných sportovců v menšinových sportech. „Hledáme talentované sportovce malých vesmírů, tedy ze sportů, které nemají takovou publicitu a finanční zabezpečení“, uvedl celou konferenci ředitel neziskové organizace Dr. Josef Venc.
Read more: Malá rozsahem, hluboká obsahem – taková byla sportovní konference Pikoverse
Medzinárodná spolupráca v projekte Women in Canoe Sport
Odkaz na článek:
Využití tepové frekvence k optimalizaci rozvoje vytrvalosti
Jak správně regulovat objem a intenzitu tréninku? Co je dlouhodobě udržitelné a povede ke zlepšení? A jak s tím vším souvisí tepová frekvence? Tento příspěvek přímo navazuje na minulé číslo, ve kterém jsme se věnovali významu správně provedené lékařské prohlídky, a který by měl čtenáře navést k optimalizaci vytrvalostního tréninku na vodě i na suchu.
Read more: Využití tepové frekvence k optimalizaci rozvoje vytrvalosti
- Report from training camp in Sweden
- Český olympijský výbor a projekt Women in Canoe Sport
- Training camp in Falun (Sweden)
- Tréninkový kemp ve Švédsku je v plném proudu
- The project conference is coming up!
- Projektová konference se rychle blíží!
- ICF 2023 Women´s Symposium in Dublin
- ICF 2023 Women´s Symposium in Dublin is coming!
- Barbora Ondráčková, Adéla Lebedová a Alžběta Vencová vyhrály kemp ve Švédsku
- Konference ISC Diagnostics Sport 2023 v Prešově (SVK)
- ISC Diagnostics Sport 2023 Conference in Prešov (SVK)
- Johana Tulachová obhájila svou bakalářskou práci podporovanou projektem Women in Canoe Sport
- Tréninkový kemp v Praze
- Projekt Women in Canoe Sport podporuje dívky v Profiakademii vodního slalomu
- Training camp in Bratislava (19. – 24. 6. 2023)
- Training camp in Bratislava continues
- The first training camp has started!
- Thanks to all competitors for their participation in the research
- Poděkování všem závodnicím za účast ve výzkumu
- Request to participate in research