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We are very pleased that Renata Daníková has become a member of the project consortium. Renata has been an active member of the Slovak Canoeing since 2013, within the paddling community in the Žilina Paddlers Club in Žilina, Slovak Republic. First as a referee and later as a vice-president of the Žilina Paddlers Club, member of the Executive Committee and head of the economic section. In 2021 she was elected to the Executive Committee of the Slovak Canoeing and became the Chairperson of the Commission for Clubs, Youth and Education. In addition, she continues to work actively as a referee with a 3rd class degree. In 2023 she was selected and participated in an international project "New Miracle - women leadership in sports", funded by EU Erasmus+, co-organized by the Slovak Olympic Committee.

image7    image1

 Renata Danikova_My_CV.pdf

Snimek obrazovky 2024 01 15 v 11.20.54

Contact Details


Tel.: +420 774 241 412

E-mail: busta@ftvs.cuni.cz 

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